So Pocket Wizard sucks... Ok not really. They are just keeping us Nikon shooters chomping at the bit so to speak for the new transmitters. Pocket Wizard announced a tentative release date of June 1st for the Nikon version of the pocket wizards. As soon as Adorama or K & R offers a pre-order, I'll be placing my order. I can't wait. Honestly they will be about the same as having the Radio Poppers for doing the TTL off camera flash, but with the added ability to do studio strobes, I'm not sure that the transmitter will ever come off of my camera. ;~)
I found a really cool blog yesterday. It's not a strictly camera related blog like most that I read, but it appeals to my tech side. I have a strong computer background and anything that is new technology, or electronic usually gets my interest. Terry White a good friend of Scott Kelby's puts on this tech blog. He writes about technology that he uses or that affects him personally. Everything that he writes about, he tries out first hand, so it's an honest opinion of the gear. I'm going to follow it, and while I may be a little more "techie" than the average person, it's still worth a look.
For you photoshop users out there, I found a great little site that has a list of a TON of free actions that you may want to check out. It's located Here . Go check them out, save a few to your computer and save yourself some time when it comes to photoshop. The less time you spend editing photos, the more time you have to go out and take the photos!
Some people, ok Amy... was asking about light stands and umbrellas at the class on Saturday. Here is a link to Midwest Photo Exchange's "strobist" equipment. They work with David Hobby of the acclaimed Strobist to get the gear and packages for everyone who wants to use light weight flash units for location shoots instead of strobes. They have some of the best prices on that stuff. Talk to Lynn, and she'll take care of you.
Alright, that's all I have for today. I'm busy planning my getaway, I mean trip to Florida. See everyone tomorrow! Jason
You're a techie?! What? Really?